In attendance: Megan Starkey, Jessica Son, Melissa Light, Dalena Salo and Kim Placker
Ms. Starkey shared scholarship applications for us to review and we approved unanimously.
We discussed Seussical and the income. We have not received the final counts from theater and dance. There were also some issues with the DVDs and those who paid with credit cards because it was the same price as tickets and the system doesn’t show the item name. Hopefully, everyone who ordered and paid also wrote their name on a paper at that booth. We will also check with Nikki to be sure the money from the stars were deposited. Ms. Starkey said ticket sales went really well with over $7000 online and about $800 each night. Once all receipts are turned in for make-up and the tech people, that number will definitely go down.
We had a nice discussion about the stars, both the cost and concept. We agreed this would be good to continue because it gave all the students a nice keepsake from the show. However, we should continue to be sure each picture has several stars to be sure ALL students receive nice accolades. Maybe the musical theater can be in charge of sales ahead of time next year so they also have the opportunity to purchase them for their friends.
Ms. Starkey is excited about Region on Saturday. They have a clinic all day, then perform at 4 pm. Students should be at the school by 8 am to ride the bus to the PAC. Otherwise, they
We discussed the spring show. The them is Broadway Musical Magic. The dress rehearsal is on May 19 from 12:30-4:30 pm and the show is on May 25th. Solo and Ensemble will be held on Saturday, March 4. We need to start thinking about the tasks to accomplish for the show. At the last meeting, we agreed the Booster Club will pay for the props for the show. Ms. Starkey hasn’t decided on all the music so she doesn’t have a full list yet, but she knows she wants items for a chimney sweep. She also asked about character shoes for the Pop Choir. There are 16 girls. We agreed she should go ahead and order 20 after getting the sizes for each member.