January 10, 2019, 6:30 p.m. Choir Room
In attendance: Megan Starkey, Laura D., Josh P., Lara G., Michelle K., Sherry J., Melanie L., Thelma P., Becky, Nancy B.
Treasurer’s Report / Fundraising
Treasurer Ashley was out this evening, so Laura gave a brief rundown on finances. We have not received the fundraising check from Mod Pizza yet. We will need to issue a check to the winter accompanist and judge for an upcoming event.
Upcoming Events
TMEA Choir auditions/concert – tryouts are on January 26 in Dripping Springs. The concert is on February 9. Megan will send out a reminder that parent supervisors are needed in shifts for the day-long audition process. Parents will hand out and then collect the music as auditions complete, as well as keep the kids in line if necessary. We don’t know until the day of the event what time slot our children will receive.
Solo/Ensemble auditions will be held on March 9. No parental supervision is required on this date.
All 7th and 8th grade Scottie Singers and choir majors must participate in either the TMEA All-Region or Solo/Ensemble auditions. They may (and are encouraged to) participate in both.
Aladdin Jr.
Show dates: January 28-31 (Monday – Thursday). The performance on the 31st coincides with opening night of Mac Theater’s 42nd.
Tech load-in and dress rehearsals will occur on January 23rd, with another dress rehearsal the 24th (the 24th may be extended by one hour). The dress rehearsal planned for the 25th has been cancelled, as the space is needed for another event on that date. Ms. Easter and the tech crew will go the PAC while the cast will stay at Lamar for a run-through with Ms. Starkey and Ms. Luna. Becky is providing snacks for the tech crew on their load-ins. We may provide snacks for the cast for the rehearsal on the 24th, and the kids are welcome to bring their own.
The concession pre-sales (order intermission snacks before the show to avoid the lines) will be rolled out on the first night of the show. If that appears to be successful, we will continue pre-sales for all nights of the show.
Brian with Filmkids will have first right of refusal regarding the recording of the show. Should he decline, Eric Jensen may be able to record. Filmkids has charges $250 per night and $2 per DVD sale. He does plug into the sound board, giving a high-quality recording for dialog and solo pieces, while taking ambient sound for the ensemble pieces, which requires post-mixing.
The Choir Booster Club will provide the meal on Wednesday, the 30th. This will consist of Flyrite chicken as well as fruits and veggies procured elsewhere.
Parents should discuss with their children the schoolwork load during the rehearsal and performance weeks. This should include a conversation about their time management, expected assignments, and any dialogue that may need to take place between the student and their instructors.
Going forward, no children will be allowed behind the concession counter. This will help keep things working efficiently.
The SignUp Genius request has gone out, and volunteer positions and supplies are being filled.
Spring Show
The Spring Show will be held on Friday, May 10. A chairperson for the show will need to be selected after the March Booster meeting.
End-of-year Party
This will be held on Thursday, May 23. Megan is looking for ideas on where to hold, activities, etc.