March 7, 2019, 6:30 p.m.
Choir Room
In attendance: Megan Starkey, Laura D., Ashley F., Josh P., Lara G., Mayte S., Jessica J., Kate P., Becky R., Nancy B.
Aladdin Jr.
Money made
* It looks as though each strand will end up with a couple hundred bucks from concession and ticket sales. Cash sales still need to be divvied up, and Choir is still owed for ad sales.
Lessons Learned
* Handling of sales via multiple platforms is somewhat complicated; we are looking into using the Cheddar Up platform as a one-stop source for those services.
* Feeding kids on rehearsal and performance nights is the highest cost; going forward we will likely ask cast/crew families to provide $20 or so to feed their child over rehearsal and performance evenings. This idea will be pushed at the initial cast/crew parent meeting, and then reinforced via email or subsequent meetings.
* The carpool spreadsheet seems to work well and be appreciated by parents.
* We should consider if every student needs to be at each night of rehearsal, or if we can let some kids have the evening off if they may not contribute that night.
Upcoming Events
Solo/ensemble auditions
* Auditions are Saturday, March 9 in the choir room (assuming roof work is not taking place overhead, in which case we may use the theater room).
* We need a check to pay the judge for this event.
* Takes place April 1-3 (Top Dawgs, Doggie Dames, Scottie Singers).
* The After-UIL party will take place immediately after school on April 4. We’ll provide a large sheet cake (~100 kids) from HEB. Ashley and Lara will help serve kids. Not many helpers needed, but may show up at 3:15 to help with setup.
Spring Show (Songs of the Silver Screen theme)
* May 10, 6:30pm at the AISD PAC.
* We will have it recorded to DVD for sales (service provider TBD).
* Kids will be fed (Thundercloud/Jason’s Deli Game Day ordering); Megan to provide number of mouths to feed.
* Megan will notify the community when tickets are on sale.
* Purple Pup Parent Crew Committee (Kate Powers) - Purple Pups will be show assistants via an application process with applications due April 26. Assisting Purple Pups will need to be at the PAC from 4:30-9:00 on the
day of the show. Kate Powers will lead this effort, and Megan will setup a Purple Pups Spring Show group in Charms to facilitate communication. Purple Pups will be allowed to watch the show, receive a t-shirt, and be fed. Purple Pups will help in the following areas:
* Load-in/organize concession area
* Concession area cleanup/load-out
* Monitor auction tables
* Silent Auction Committee (Jessica Jennings/Lara Griffith)
* Create letter that parents can use to solicit items (letters should be out by late March to allow donors time to coordinate)
* Set up a spreadsheet to show items solicited/provided
* After event – ensure that winners pay and get their items
* Laura D. will investigate auction v. raffle formats
* Ideas:
* Have choir classes choose from a set of themes and create their own baskets for auction to create some competition to create nice baskets
* Lotto baskets seem to do well at other events
* Handmade goods fetch a premium
* Checkout process idea – several users with tablets checking folks out / hanging folders with item # to facilitate winner info/payment record
* Announce winners between end of show and the beginning of awards presentation
* Mailer/Marketing Committee (Nancy Butlin/Josh Pitts)
* Create marketing flyer
* Update list of area businesses to mail flyers to
* Mailer should be complete the week after Spring Break, with the plan to mail them the week of March 25. The ad deadline is April 26.
* Volunteer Committee (Becky Reedy)
* Handle the Signup Genius for volunteers on the night of the show (Laura D. will provide the template for this)
* Concession donations
* Concession sales volunteers
* Checkout volunteers for auction winners
* Purple Pup assistant parents
South Padre Island Trip
* May 17-19 (informational meeting date TBD)
The May Booster meeting will be held Tuesday, April 30 due to several schedule conflicts.
The March 2019 Choir Booster Club meeting was adjourned. Several folks headed to LaMancha to decompress, with the Secretary growing impatient and departing before the party was seated.