April 4, 2019, 6:00 p.m.
Choir Room
In attendance: Megan Starkey, Laura D., Ashley F., Josh P., Lara G., Mayte S., Becky R., Lara W., Jessica J., Melanie P.
UIL Recap – All 1s!!!
Spring Show
Spring Show (Songs of the Silver Screen) is May 10, 2019, 6:30 PM at the AISD PAC. We need to cut a check for the accompanists (Pugh on piano, Justice on bass, and maybe a high-schooler on drums (Laura to ask Will). Eric Jensen will video and prepare DVDs (he also did this for Aladdin Jr.).
· Purple Pup Crew – applications to go out soon. Booster club will provide meals for the crew.
· Silent Auction – Jessica and Lara are rocking the silent auction committee! We are not doing themed baskets. Lara will distribute the Google doc for recording donations and strikeouts once Jessica has made her initial run-through.
· Mailer – all is good, mailers and labels are printed and kids will help assemble soon.
· Volunteer – Becky sent out the Signup Genius link a week or so ago and volunteers are signing up.
That’s A Wrap party will be Thursday, May 23, 4-7 PM at Lamar (same day as 8th grade picnic). Only choir students are permitted to attend. We’ll do Amy’s ice cream and P Terry’s burgers. Activities will include karaoke, video games, movies.
Purple Pup Show
The Purple Pup Show (80’s theme) will be April 25, 2019, 6:30 PM in the Lamar Cafetorium. No accompanist for this show. Booster club will provide snacks on the order of cuties, cookies, crackers, etc (Laura will get these) for about 35 kids.
South Padre Island trip – everything is lined up. Lara W. will have her personal vehicle there in case there is a need.
Booster Club Board
Nominations for 2019-2020 board
President – Lara Griffith
VP/President Elect – Melanie Prosise
Secretary – Sherrie Jones
Treasurer – Mayte Solis
The May Booster meeting will be held Tuesday, April 30 due to several schedule conflicts.
The April 2019 Choir Booster Club meeting was adjourned. Several folks headed to LaMancha to Tex-Mex the stress away.