Choir Booster Club Meeting - May 2019

April 30, 2019, 6:00 p.m.

Choir Room


In attendance: Megan Starkey, Laura D., Ashley F., Josh P., Lara G., Melanie P., Mayte S., Sherrie J., Becky R., Nancy B.

Purple Pups Show

Thursday, May 2, 6:00pm in the Lamar Cafetorium.  No accompanist; Laura D. will procure snacks for the kids. Should be a quick show.

Spring Show

Friday, May 10, 6:30 at the AISD PAC.

We’ll need checks for the accompanists ($200 each for Paul Pew, John Justice, Ben Collins) to give them at the show.


·       Purple Pups Crew – 10 kids, parents have been contacted.  We’ll get them pizza on show night.

·       Silent Auction – Jessica and Lara have knocked it out of the park!  We’ll plan to hold the items after the show, allowing students to pick them up from Megan or parents can get them at the That’s A Wrap party.  There is an auction basket assembly day at Lara G’s house on May 4, 1pm.  Melanie will have a Square reader at the show for anyone who might need to pick up their item that night (out of towners, etc.).  We’re going to convert the $60 in HEB gift cards to a lotto basket.  We updated the Auction spreadsheet.

·       Mailer – everything is good; we’ve gotten a few responses.

·       Volunteer – We’ve got a few intermission slots open; we’ll send a reminder email soon.  Things tend to fill up with the last reminder.

We’ll have a Google signup to allow parents to carpool kiddos from Lamar to the PAC.

Laura D. will send an email with instruction for parents to provide their child with a meal for the evening, as Booster Club will not be providing dinner.  Josh will send Laura the details regarding ordering from Jason’s Deli.

Eric J and/or Jude will video the show and create DVDs (cost $250?).  Due to a “creeper” incident at the Beginner/Intermediate dance show, we will now require folks wanting to buy a recording to write down which performer they are associated with.  Failure to do so will result in a no-sale.

Due to the earlier Ludus credit card breach, we expect a lot more folks will be buying walk-up tickets.  Megan will have her laptop at the show for tickets, and will print a lot of blanks.

We need to ensure we have $100 in petty cash (lots of $1s, $5s, and some $10s).

No pre-show concession sales, as this will be a smaller audience than the musical.

That’s A Wrap! Party

Thursday, May 23 4-7pm in the Choir area.  Only choir students may attend.  There are permission slips on the Choir website, and we’ll send an email on May 13 as a reminder.  La Mancha, Amy’s ice cream will be served.  There will be karaoke, video games and movies.  We’ll need some parents to supervise (probably just one shift since it’s shorter this year).

Booster Club Board

2019-2020 officers:

·       President – Lara Griffith.

·       Vice President/President Elect – Melanie Prosise.

·       Secretary – Sherrie Jones

·       Treasurer – Mayte Solis

With that, the May meeting of the 2018-2019 Choir Booster Club was adjourned to La Mancha.